The Thicket of Diversity will hold its next free, public Science Café
The theme of the session is Black bears, with a presentation by Katie Krouse, Executive Director of Bears, Etc., a non-profit that focuses on protecting the animals and environment in which they live. Krouse’s background in veterinary practices and wildlife management at Purdue University, as well as her involvement in organizations like the Texas Black Bear Alliance and Big Cat Sanctuary Alliance, has built a resume of understanding wildlife and the environment. She’ll also address how people can be part of preserving and protecting bears and how to become more “bear aware.” It’s a timely topic as bear sightings in Southeast Texas are on the rise, Chair of the Ticket of Diversity Mary Catherine Johnston said. A man in Orange recently posted a photograph of a Black bear spotted behind his home on Allie Payne Road. “Louisiana has a healthy population of Black bears, and that’s where some migrating here are probably coming from,” Johnston said. “Most of the sightings are younger bears. So, likely they’re exploring new territory.”
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